Belfido in Toronto

Belfido in Toronto

In Spring 2018, a family bought a puppy from a puppy mill website. A few days later, the puppy fell ill with Parvo disease which needs constant care, IV and medications. To care for the ill puppy, the family had to visit the clinic every day or do all the work from home. At this point they had regretted getting the puppy and didn’t want to spend money on him anymore. The daughter of the family was worried for the puppy so she contacted the shelter and asked us to treat him, and if they didn’t want him anymore after the treatment, they could take him back so they can sell him again (!!). We told them this is not the way things are done here and asked them to make a decision before it’s too late: either give us the puppy fully or treat him yourself. In the end after much anticipation and overcoming transportation problems, etc, Belfi finally arrived at the shelter and we immediately started his treatment. After some time, with the help of the vet and personnel of the shelter, he finally recovered from the disease.

He was the second Belfi at the shelter and just so we don’t confuse them, we named him ‘Belfido’ meaning ‘Belfi number 2’ (‘do’ in Farsi means ‘two’)!

Belfido was an extremely friendly, loving and energetic dog. But since at the shelter there were no rules for him to follow, he grew up independent. As a result, when a nice but inexperienced family adopted him, they could not control his energy and he was returned to the shelter. He was really pretty and lots of other families wanted to adopt him, but this time we wanted to give him to a family who had more experience taking care of a dog and had a space for him to run around and release his energy. Finally, a family in Canada fell in love with him. They had already taken care of a dog, and the plan was for Belfido to go to Canada and surprise the father of the family on his birthday. But the clock was ticking, we were getting close to the birthday but due to the low number of travelers during the pandemic, we hadn’t found a passenger yet who would take Belfido to Canada. His family wanted him so badly that in the end they decided to send him to Canada through cargo, which has much higher costs. Belfido finally travelled to Canada in March 2021 and reached his new family.

Now Belfido lives with his new loving family and his name is changed to ‘Lotto’.
We wish him nothing but the best.

Farah Azari

سفر بلفی‌دو به کانادا

بهمن ماه سال ۹۷ بود. خانواده‌ای از آگهی یک سایت خرید و فروش، توله تریری خریده بودند، اما همان چند روز اول مریض شد. بیماری پارو که نیاز به رسیدگی مداوم و سرم و دارو دارد، می بایست هر روز به کلینیک مراجعه می کردند یا خودشان درمان را در خانه ادامه می دادند. ولی به اینجا که رسید دیگر نمی خواستند برایش هزینه کنند و از آوردنش پشیمان شده بودند…. اما دختر خانواده برایش نگران بود، با پناهگاه تماس گرفت، تقاضا کرد که درمانش کنیم و بعد اگر دیگر او را نخواستند دوباره بفروشند….! گفتیم نه، اینطور که نمی شود، قبل از آنکه خیلی دیر شود تصمیم بگیرید، یا کلا بسپارید به پناهگاه یا خودتان درمان کنید. در نهایت بعد از دست دست کردنها و مشکلات انتقال و…. بالاخره بلفی آمد پناهگاه و تحت درمان قرار گرفت و با تلاش های دکتر و پرسنل پناهگاه خوشبختانه بیماری را رد کرد.

او دومین بلفی پناهگاه بود و برای آنکه اشتباهشان نکنیم، اسمش شد بلفی‌دو یعنی بلفی شماره دو!

بلفی‌دو یک موجود بسیار خوش اخلاق و دوست داشتنی، شیطان و پرانرژی بود، اما چون در پناهگاه تابع قانونی نبود، خودسر بار آمد و وقتی به یک خانواده خوب اما بی‌تجربه واگذار شد، نتوانستند از عهده شیطنتها و خودسری هایش بربیایند و برگشت پناهگاه. خوشگل بود و خواهان زیادی داشت اما این بار دیگر او را به خانواده‌ای می دادیم که هم قبلا تجربه نگهداری از سگ خانگی داشته باشد و هم فضای بهتری برای شیطنت هایش…. تا اینکه مهرش به دل یک خانواده کانادایی که قبلا هم سگ داشتند افتاد و قرار شد بلفی‌دو برود کانادا و سورپرایز تولد پدر خانواده باشد، اما زمان می گذشت و به تاریخ تولد نزدیک می شدیم و در شرایط کرونا مسافر کم بود….. این خانواده آنقدر او را می خواستند که در نهایت پذیرفتند که او را از طریق کارگو که هزینه‌ بالاتری دارد، به کانادا ببرند و بلفی‌دو بالاخره فروردین 1400پرواز کرد و به خانواده جدیدش رسید.

حالا بلفی دو با خانواده همیشگی اش زندگی می کنه و اسمش هم شده “لوتو”.

آرزو می کنیم خوشبخت شود.

فرح آذری